via The “eviction ban” is dangerous madness for every renter

via Social housing evictions en masse post COVID-19

via The rough sleeper Tory Government PR scam

via Rented housing post COVID-19 – Government MUST act NOW

via The unchallenged bare-faced lies about Housing First

Kmflett's Blog

If you are in London this week a must visit is the Four Corners Gallery in Roman Rd E2 (Bethnal Green tube).

Until Saturday there is a free and quite extensive exhibition of the work of John Heartfield the German anti-Nazi and anti-war photomontage artist.

His images are not only relevant once again in 2020 unfortunately, but many will probably be familiar so widely copied are they.

Heartfield was 5th on the Gestapo’s wanted list when he fled Germany for Britain. He returned to the former East Germany after the war and died in 1968

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Left the building

Congratulations to the people of ‘Great’ Britain for voting the ruling elite into power yet again. You certainly do know your place. Now they have a mandate to treat people with disdain and contempt, for the next five years. I always thought people in the US were dumb, but there is a new kid on the block vying for the title. How can a party offering no credible policies, with a history of inflicting misery on millions, with a leader who hides in a fridge when things get mildly difficult remain in power. I could glibly say you get what you deserve, but that would be grossly unfair to the millions who can see through this charade of thinly veiled fascism.

It would appear that many people from where I grew up in the north have had a lobotomy, believing all that the billionaire controlled media had to say pre-election…

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#VoteJohnsonGetTrump #LiarJohnson

Pride's Purge

Boris Johnson spoke at the launch of a leading Conservative think tank in 2017, which has revealed plans to allow private US firms to take over NHS hospitals after Brexit.

The radical plans were revealed in recommendations by the organisation called ‘The Initiative for Free Trade’:

Johnson IFT NHS 2

The IFT was launched in September 2017 by a small but influential group of right-wing Conservative figures.

Who might those figures be?

None other than Boris Johnson – who this week has been denying he has ever supported US firms having access to the NHS after Brexit:

johnson IFT NHS

Other senior Tories who launched the group were Tory International Trade Secretary Liam Fox along with IFT president, Tory MEP Daniel Hannan.

Don’t let our hat-doffing compliant press let Johnson get away with his lies about not planning to sell off the NHS to US private companies after Brexit.

So please share. Thanks

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