Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the Daily Mail!)

Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive“- Sir Walter Scott

On Sunday the Mail on Sunday did a hatchet job on the Met Office as part of the newspaper’s long-term efforts to discredit and deny scientific evidence of global climate change (warning – Daily Mail dross):

No, global warming did NOT cause the storms

The ‘article’ was so full of inaccuracies the Met Office even took the unusual step of writing an official response to it today:

Met Office in the Media: response by Professor Mat Collins and the Met Office

But what was most interesting for me about the article was its author  – a man called David Rose.

Who is he?

David Rose seems to be what is known by some people in the trade as a ‘fixer’.

‘Fixers’ obviously ‘fix’ things – in…

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