Pride's Purge

Nazi soldiers would line Jewish children up along a pit – toddlers some of them – and shoot them in the head one by one. Others would be torn from their mothers’ arms and herded into cattle wagons where they would either die in transit or end up being gassed in the gas chambers of Nazi extermination camps.

Inmates recall regularly hearing cries of “mummy, mummy” as the children were murdered.

These were the ‘lucky’ ones. Older children would often be forced to work in Nazi Labour camps where they would slowly die of disease, or were slowly worked and starved to death.

Approximately 1.5 million children were murdered by the Nazis in this way.

THAT IS THE REALITY OF THE HOLOCAUST. That is the reality of real antisemitism.

This is what my own father – an unpolitical man – wrote on Facebook this year about the murder of his…

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